Something has been bothering us here at Locals Midwest. Many Conservatives seem to think that the answer to the leftist takeover is to move to one of two states, Texas or Florida. This is not the answer, nor should it be.
It's one thing if you live in California or New Jersey. Those places are beyond repair at this point. But the Midwest can be saved. There are enough good, pro-Constitution people here that we can stave off the leftist takeover decisively, if we choose to stay. But if we flee, we are handing over the Midwest to the left.
I understand why the South appeals to us right now. Its a Conservative stronghold with lots of opportunity. But the South will be able to fight the left off without our help. Furthermore, we are not helping Southerners by moving down there. It would be a much bigger help to our fellow Conservatives in the South for us to stay here and to fortify the Midwest as another big Conservative stronghold. This would also help our Eastern and Western brothers and sisters too, given that doing this would guarantee that it would be impossible for the left to take America over.
Now, we're not telling you not to move to the South under any circumstance. If some huge job opportunity comes up for you, you should take it. But leaving in massive numbers is not good and will not help America, either in the short term or the long term. Besides, don't you want to keep our Midwestern culture the way it is?
Now, while you're chewing on that, enjoy this view of Lake Michigan, which rivals the view of any ocean 😀
Hello, this is Jay, founder of Locals Midwest. I have made a decision about the future of this page. From now on, this page will be a promotional page for one of the best up and coming young freedom fighters in America, Mrs Rae Lee Klein.
Unfortunately, I cannot simply give Rae this page. Locals policy apparently forbids me from doing so. But Rae has full admin powers. She will be using this page to slowly lead you all over to her own new community, as well as her other projects and social media. I ask that you give her a chance to show her stuff. She is a very talented young woman with a great podcast. And I know she'll be a leader in the fight for freedom if given a chance to do so.
So, to close, Rae will be taking this page over. She will be posting content here. But the idea is for her to lead you all slowly over to her own community over the next couple of months. At that point, this page will be dismantled. For now, I will call this page Rae-dience.
I just want to send a quick thank ...
I am Jay, founder of Locals Midwest. I assume many of you would like to know the reason why I am stepping down as CEO of this community. The truth is this.....I am no longer a Conservative.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am not joining the left. None of my personal values have actually changed. I am still largely "right-wing", just like I have always been. But I no longer believe in the Conservative movement. I no longer believe that the majority of Conservatives actually want our freedoms restored to the way they were given us in the Bill Of Rights. Almost every Conservative I have talked to over the last year believes in having restrictions on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Ammendments. Now, they don't support as many restrictions as the left. But they support restrictions just the same. I have grown tired of this. Conservatives say they are fighting for freedom. But really, they are just fighting for slightly less tyranny than the left wants to impose.
Conservatives constant support for the ...
Locals Midwest will be changing hands soon. It will be under new leadership. Some of our staff have other things going on in our lives. And the founder no longer wishes to be directly involved in politics.
However, our founder wants you to know that he is going to leave Locals Midwest in good, pro-freedom hands. In fact, we believe you all will be very pleasantly surprised with the people are are preparing to take the site over. But that's an announcement for another day. Stay tuned :)